On Sunday, March 22, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, M.D. MPH, announced that Ohio was under a "Stay at Home" order unless engaged in essential work or activity. To the relief of farmers, food producers and farmers market operators, farmers markets have been designated as essential under section 12.b.
With that said, and as long as COVID-19 poses the level of risk we are currently experiencing, farmers markets must operate under modified conditions. The rigorous regulations that normally govern farmers markets exist to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, meaning that you, farmers market vendors, are well versed and prepared to enact additional precautions.
The content in this document has been collected from farmers markets across the state and the country who are adapting operations to comply with public health official’s guidance and requirements. The content has not been approved by any single public health authority, but instead lists methods and tools being used by those actively managing and selling at farmers markets. As the landscape and recommendations change, we will be updated and informed by public health guidance for grocery and farmers markets, as well as other local market managers implementing operational changes.
At this time the Garrettsville Farmers’ Market plans to implement the following operational changes and safety recommendations as outlined below.
General Market, Volunteer and Vendor Policies:
- Limit the sale of food to whole, uncut produce and packaged food items. No on-site food preparation will be allowed.
- Add fences and ropes with signs that state you are allowing 50 or fewer people in at any one time.
- All ready-to-eat foods must be pre-packaged before arriving at market, with the exception of food trucks and other mobile licensed vendors.
- No sampling of any food is permitted.
- Limit crowds by staggering entry to provide for social distancing of customers.
- Require space between vendor stands of at least 6 feet.
- Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol for customers to use prior to entering market space and throughout.
- Group like items together (ie. all produce, all bread and baked goods, etc.) to reduce the amount of time searching the market for particular products.
- Ensure that isles are at least 12 feet wide to provide for ample distancing around vendor spaces.
- Promote alternative sales outlets and methods such as online ordering and delivery, pre-order for pick up, etc.
- Provide a product list via social media, email and other methods prior to the market to help limit customer browsing.
- Consider using tape or chalk to indicate 6 foot distances in and throughout the market space.
- Require all vendors, employees and volunteers to have a cloth face covering as recommended by CDC guidelines with them. Please note, it will not be a requirement to wear a mask, but you MUST have one available for use AT ALL TIMES.
- Sick employees, volunteers and vendors must stay home and not return until they are free of fever for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing medication and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) and, at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- Those who appear to be ill upon arrival to market or become sick during the day should be sent home immediately.
- Recommend all vendors wear gloves, regardless of whether or not they handle food.
- Designate one person to handle food and another person to handle payment transactions when possible. We understand and know that this is not always possible and are currently working on ways to help you meet this need such as additional volunteers available to help you, pre-order pickup at the market tent, etc. Should you need additional support please let us know!
- Temperature log of all volunteers and vendors upon arrival. We will not be taking temperatures at the market. Instead we are asking that all vendors and volunteers take their temperature PRIOR to arriving at the market and confirm with the market manager that they do not have a temperature of more than 100.4°F [38° C]. All volunteers and vendors will be required to sign a temperature log to confirm they have taken their temperature and are fever free.
- Implement a one way walk path
- There will be one distinct entrance and one distinct exit.
- All volunteers should either refrain from using their phones or use appropriate washing/sanitizing methods when moving to and from another task and using their phone.
- High touch areas of the market must be cleaned and disinfected prior to the start of the market, throughout the market day (at least once per hour), and at the end of the market. Designate market staff or volunteers for this task.
- Market volunteers will follow opening and closing checklists to ensure all equipment, trash and market areas are properly cleaned.
Vendor Specific Policies:
- All vendors must sanitize their stands regularly, primarily wiping down tables, terminals, cash boxes, etc. Familiarize yourself with the CDC Guidelines to clean and disinfect surfaces. A bleach solution may be used to disinfect surfaces: 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water
- DO NOT come to the market if you are not feeling well or if you have had contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Prior to entering the market area, please wash/sanitize your hands
- Clean and sanitize your table(s) prior to unloading any of your products, signs, or other items.
- Vendors should bring large signs with clear pricing, so shoppers can make decisions quickly.
- Discontinue use of tablecloths and other porous materials. Because there is conflicting evidence on the lifespan of the virus in relation to the surface it’s found on, vendors will be permitted to use baskets and display equipment made from wood, provided the customer does not have access to these items.
- Provide a barrier between customers and the vendor with the use of tables or other means to help maintain a 3 - 6’ distance.
- Vendors should display a ‘Do Not Touch’ sign. The market will have extra ‘Do Not Touch’ signs available for use if needed.
- Recommend using only materials that can be immediately washed and sanitized after use.
- All vendors will operate under a “no-touch” policy, meaning they will be full service and sanitize their stations accordingly between shoppers.
- Clean your hands frequently, ideally between each customer transaction. Follow CDC recommendations for cleaning your hands.
- Use only new paper or plastic bags for the packaging and sale of goods. Because the virus has a shorter life span on paper it is recommended that vendors use paper bags. Customers will be permitted to bring their own reusable bags, but vendors will not be permitted to handle reusable bags from shoppers and are still required to pack their products in a new bag prior to giving it to the customer.
- Promote alternative sales outlets and methods pre-ordering.
- Consider purchasing a contactless chip reader to process customer sales.
- Vendors will encourage shoppers to move through the market as quickly as possible to minimize interactions and wait times.
- If accepting cash, consider selling items at whole dollar amounts to reduce the exchange of currency and use of coins.
- Only producers selling food items, gardening supplies (such as bedding plants and flowers), and hygiene products are allowed to participate. This means that NO crafts and/or non-food items (aside from gardening supplies and hygiene products) can be sold.
- All vendors should either refrain from using their phones or use appropriate washing/sanitizing methods when moving to and from another task and using their phone.
- Keep customers and products separated, putting all items in your reach and/or out of reach of customers
- No touching, shaking hands, hugging, or any other personal contact with your customers even if it’s your pastor or your grandmother. None!
- Instruct the customers to wash their produce before consuming it.
Customer Engagement:
- Customers must stay home and not return until they are free of fever for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing medication and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) and, at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- Prioritize only essential food purchasing and discontinue social gatherings.
- Encourage shoppers to send only one member from each household to the market in order to curtail crowds.
- Encourage shoppers to practice the recommended 6’ social distancing from one another while at the market.
- No touching. Shop with your eyes. DO NOT touch any products prior to purchasing! Rather allow the vendor to select and bag products you wish to purchase.
- Clean your hands frequently. Follow CDC recommendations for cleaning your hands.
- Accept only new plastic or paper bags from your farmers and food producers.
- When possible, pre-order directly from farmers and food producers.
- Wear a cloth face covering as recommended by CDC guidelines.
- Customers will not be permitted to handle their grocery goods until purchased. If they touch it, they buy it. Vendors will operate under a “no-touch” policy, handling all grocery items and bagging in single-use paper or plastic bags prior to providing it to the customer.
- Wash produce before consuming it.
- Pets will no longer be permitted at the market. Note: service animals do NOT fall into this category.
- Come prepared. Follow your Farmers Market Facebook page or website for updates about what will be offered during the market so you can make a list and come prepared.
- Enter and exit the market through designated points. Our market is trying to manage traffic in a certain direction to assist with appropriate social distancing and avoid bottlenecks.
- Use sanitizing stations frequently when entering/leaving and traveling through the farmers market.
- Remember good social distancing practices, keeping in mind that the CDC recommends keeping 6 feet between you and the next person.
- Be patient. These are trying times for all of us, and with these added safety measures, your transactions may take longer than usual.